Ya・Ku・So・Ku ☆ Love Harem - EROGE TORRENT

Kamis, 06 Agustus 2015

Ya・Ku・So・Ku ☆ Love Harem

Eroge: Ya・Ku・So・Ku ☆ Love Harem (2015)
Torrent: http://sukebei.nyaa.se/?page=view&tid=1775994(2.5GB)


Protagonist Touma has a strange relationship with 3 different girls, Nobara, Kasuma, and Yuriko. They are more than friends or family, yet less than lovers. The girls all hold a promise within their hearts, “to be together forever” (Although said with slightly different words). They want to fulfil that promise… but can they really stay true to a promise made when they were just kids? And what would happen if Touma finds someone special in his life? Will their relationship crumble?

And so that complex situation crumbles as soon as Iris appears, a girl that has also made a promise with our protagonist. Namely that they would someday get married. Without reading the situation, Iris assertively approaches Touma. In response the other 3 girls start doing the same.

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